Auto Parts Connection - We Can separate Your Business From The Bunch

Building & Maintaining A Healthy Dealer-Client Relationship

The Auto Parts Connection Representatives (APC Reps) are very passionate at listening to the shops owner’s needs and informing the dealer immediately of what these needs are. APC Reps notify the dealer of any problems that need be resolved in order to save the account from taking their business elsewhere. APC Reps will make various follow-up calls to ensure that the shop owner is satisfied with the service.

Improve the Reputation of the Dealership to the Public

APC Reps inform the shop owners of all the positive changes that are implemented by the dealer to overcome any obstacles that have happened in the past. The face to face interaction in return demonstrates a strong dedication from the dealer to improve their reputation to the public.

Gaining The Competitive Edge in the Marketplace

APC Reps have excellent communication/computer skills which enable them to gather valuable information from the shop owner on what their competitor is offering. APC Reps compile all this valuable data in a computerized report and submit it to the dealer via email or via website for immediate hot leads, problems, etc. This in return encourages the parts manager to take their wholesale to the next level and gain that “competitive edge in the market”.